Raised by Ashleigh, Marsha graduated on Nov. 23, 2024 and will live in Vacaville, CA.
Raised by Sara & AJ, she graduated September 28, 2024 and will be living in London Canada.
Raised by Cindy, Kelly graduated on July 6, 2024 and will be living in Toronto Canada.
Raised by Cindy, Jason & Dylan, Wendy graduated on September 29, 2023 and will live with her new partner in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Raised by Cindy & Jim, and Kim & Craig, Mahi graduated on September 2nd, 2023. She will be working as a guide and living with her new partner in Cedar Falls, Iowa.
Raised by Penny, Moby graduated on May 13, 2023 and will be living and guiding in Beaverton, Oregon.
Raised by Cindy, Jason, & Dylan. Kalimba graduated on April 15, 2023, and will be working and living with her new partner in Bountiful, Utah.
Raised by Ashleigh. Doolittle graduated October 1, 2022 and will be living and working as a guide in Boulder Colorado.
Raised by Robin & Josh. Widget graduated in September 2022, and will be living and working as a guide in San Francisco.
Raised by Ashleigh. Chestnut graduated in May 2022 and he will be living and working as a guide in Oakwood, Georgia.
In memory of our puppy raiser Christine Wanamaker, raised by Montse and Bev & Micky
She will be living and guiding her new partner in Toronto Canada.
Inja was raised by Penny. She will be living and working in Tucson, Arizona. She will be traveling with her partner and is his 3rd guide dog and his wife also has a guide dog so she will have a fun and exciting life!
Adara was raised by Sara and graduated as a working guide and will be living in Minnesota.
Anton, after completing his in-home training, is a working guide in Kansas City. His new handler has family in So Cal so it is very likely Elena and her family who raised Anton will see him periodically. This is the family's first puppy in training and they are looking forward to raising again.
Afton is now a working guide in Berkeley California with his new family. This is the GDB graduate's second guide dog. Raisers, Susan & George, are excited about being able to visit him and seeing the difference he makes.
Raised by Vicky & John. Aurelia is now a working guide in Bellevue Washington. Aurelia and Aztec are siblings raised in our club!
Raised by Jeanne and Laura & Cody. Aztec is a working guide in Los Angeles. Aztec and Aurelia are siblings raised in our club!
Raised by Montse & Gabby. Johann is a working guide in New Mexico. He will be living on a working ranch with livestock and doing some traveling.